Sunday 21 June 2015

Primary Sketches

My research is still continuing; this time, with primary sketches of woodland animals. I found the primary sketches particularly difficult as it is 'stepping out of my comfort zone'. However, I am happy with the outcome of the four pages that I have done.

On the first three pages, I used a normal HB pencil, drawing a range of animals and plants that you would find in a woodland habitat.
On the final page, I used a range of medias, such as oil pastels, charcoal and biro. This displays that I can use different medias and still achieve the desired effect.

I am really happy with how these pages have turned out. They have greatly benefitted me as I have learned the basic shapes of animals that will help me when drawing secondary drawings for my book cover.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Conceptualising and Annotating

For the second part of my research, I had to put all of my ideas onto a page. I can always change and add to this small mind-map, if I have anymore ideas. For now, these are a few ideas for what I could put on the front, back and spine of my children's book.

I also annotated a print out of the story I have written. I underlined any words that stood out to me and added words that connote to the image it created in my mind. I can, like the mind map, add to these annotations if need-be.

Tuesday 2 June 2015


Of course, before I start doing anything, I need to look on Pinterest for some inspiration. I looked at other peoples children books and took some key pointers from them.

Monday 1 June 2015

Alfy's Amazing Adventure

For my GCSE Graphic Art Unit One, I chose to do the front and back cover of a children's book, including the spine. I decided to write my own story called "Alfy's Amazing Adventure". This is the finished product and what I will be basing all of my work for my first unit on.

Alfy had his birthday, he is now all grown up and ready to live in a home by himself.
He woke up early in the morning to look for a new place to live on his own.
His mummy and daddy gave him a map of the forest and sent him off with piles of chocolate and sweeties for his journey. He packed his belongings in his red and white spotted handkerchief.
Away he goes!
He is looking for a new home.
Lets see what we can find.

Could he live in the toadstools?
No, that is where the fairies live!

Could he live up in the trees?
No, that is where the owls lives!
“Hoot hoot.”

Could he live down in the burrows?
No, that is where the badgers live!

Could he live by the stream?
No, that is where the frogs live!

Could he live in the lake?
No, that is where the fish live!

Could he live in the logs?
No, that is where the dormice live!
“Squeek squeek”

Alfy was starting to feel sad. There was nowhere right for him to live.
Suddenly, as he was about to give up, he spotted a hole in a tree trunk.
He went in and felt at home already!
It had a red door and wooden furniture.
It was perfect for a fox like him!
Alfy has found his home!